The Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships


The F-K Climate Fellowships will empower India and the united States develop long-term capacity to resolve climate change issues. The aim is to foster greater mutual understanding between the two nations through a greater exchange of information and skilled talents. The two countries will work together to develop long-term capacity in the U.S and India by involving scientific and technical academicians from both countries. Energy Studies, Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Renewable Energy, Smart Cities, Agriculture, Public Policy, Environmental Engineering, and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure are among the areas covered by the F-K Climate Fellowship.

Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships are offered for:

Doctoral Research: These fellowships are for Indian scholars enrolled in a Ph.D program at an Indian university. Duration:  six to nine months.

Postdoctoral Research: These fellowships are for Indian faculty and researchers who are just starting out in their careers as researchers in India. Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships will provide chance to dynamic faculty and researchers to strengthen their research skills. Duration: eight to 24 months.

Academic & Professional Excellence: These fellowships are intended to provide opportunities for Indian faculty, research scholars, and experts to teach, pursue research, or integrate teaching and research at a U.S. institution. Duration:  four to nine months.

(i) Research: Aspirants must show that the proposed research is relevant to India and/or the U.S, that it will support the candidate’s organization, that the research target can be met within the time frame, and that the research must be conducted in the United States.

(ii) Teaching: Indian scholars and professionals help to expand internationally the curriculum at their host institutions in the United States and to gain a better understanding of current events not just in India but around the world. The winner will be a visiting scholar at a U.S. university, where he or she will teach courses individually or in groups.

(iii) Research and Teaching: At the host institution in the United States, candidates can engage in a balance of research and teaching practices. In the project description, they must determine the percentage of the grant for each practice. For example, if the goal is to focus 70% of the grant period on research and 30% on teaching, the project statement should reflect that distribution. At the US institution, instruction could take the form of personal and team courses or a set of tutorials.

(iv) Flex Awards: Flex Awards are for academics who need to travel to the United States on several occasions and who find it difficult to leave their home institutions during the academic year. This alternative allows funds to be distributed in smaller pieces, ideally during the fall and spring semesters. In their project statement, interested applicants can explicitly state their plans for Flex, including a project timeline.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 15, 2021, 23:59:59 hrs (IST)

For all other details please visit official website


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